Nov 30, 2011

A second chance for The Tridents...

We're closer to Christmas than September and architecture doesn't usually go hand in hand with eco fabulous jewelry, but in the Alex & Ani Shipment today it contained the piece I had been most excited about receiving ... The Trident Wrap.

I have always found it important to remember September 11th all year long. As Americans, it changed our lives, unknowingly taught us about our strength as a nation and the importance of gaining understanding from lessons no matter how difficult. As well, the men and women giving their lives, to protect the freedoms threatened that day, deserve our appreciation for their constant fight for what makes our country what it is.

As many of us do near the anniversary of September 11th, this year I consumed myself with articles and shows dedicated to that day and what it meant for our country. On the actual date I found myself watching, Engineering Ground Zero, a very interesting look at the museum that would occupy Ground Zero. The construction of the museum was paralleled in thought only by the contrasting construction that put it together. Along with the state of the art demands in and around the working subway system, forward thinking green architecture and a contained mix of solace, history and remembrance, would stand two scarred reminders of what happened that day.

Beneath the wreckage and in spite of what tried to take them down, unbelievably unbowed, and in tact, two, 70 foot columns from the Word Trade Center's North Tower were found. Among the tragic loss in the footprint of what they helped support, they laid horizontal for the first time since 1970. The more that was pulled from the remains, the more it became apparent that these two symbolized much more than the 90 tons of metal that gave them their strength. But it wouldn't be an easy road back. Like the American pride that helped to conceive and motivate the ahead of it's time architecture, the 16 acres that contained the World Trade Center, along with the country, had been battered and scarred and would never be the same.

When the nine story steel columns were originally drawn into the plans for the towers, they were to be the perimeter support system for the buildings that would change lower Manhattan. The innovation required to construct what would be two of the tallest buildings in the world, was matched only by what they would stand for. Initially conceived as an urban renewal project, the towers would exude the power, success and confidence it took to create them; what unfortunately, would make them a tragic target decades later. As the facade began to show, the major source of strength for the towers became somewhat of a controversy.  Not everyone agreed that the external skeleton of trident like columns, bracing nearly 10 million square feet of office space was visually appealing. Many found it to be cold and uninviting. However, the towers became the symbol initially planned, two striking pillars of the most recognizable skyline in the world. Steadfastly holding up their duties until September 11th, 2001.

Forty years after companies started moving into the first completed and northern most tower, the two surviving columns, were commissioned once again.  The "tridents" as they became known, were to serve as one of the most emotional pieces of The National September 11th, Memorial Museum. After a decade of rest The Tridents were placed vertical for the second time in their life, less than 100 feet from where they stood until September 11th, 2001.

Once again, their strength is the support for an unbelievable structure at One World Trade. Again, they cradle the dreams and pride of a country. Only this time, they stand alone and their support is an intangible reminder. 

Among the intense emotion, solemn and inspiring, The Tridents would seem far out of place for anyone without knowledge of what they made it through. They don't look like their surroundings, the difference is blatant. Simple lines and humble structures have replaced the architectural definitions of American success and fearless power that stood before them. The seemingly out of place Tridents wear the scars of a tragedy and are no longer perfectly spaced links in an infinite design aimed at the sky. They have shed their smooth aluminum shell for the internal steal that gave them strength. Together they stand, side by side, blemished and burnt, but straight and unwavering. Stark reminders of what that day destroyed and changed forever.
No longer the bold symbols of brute power and success, The Tridents now tell a story of a different strength. They have returned as the humble proof of The American ability to hold strong to what defines our nation, even in tragedy. And as a reminder of the important responsibility to arm the future with the truths of the past.

Love in Green
the ecofashionista

Nov 16, 2011

Holiday Shopping Event This Thursday

The fourth annual Spirit of Danville Pre-Holiday Shopping Event is This Thursday, November 17th from 5:00 - 9:00pm. With the holiday season fast approaching, over 50 Danville merchants have come together for an evening of holiday cheer that will save you money while benefiting local charities. Free Trolley rides will shuttle shoppers between Downtown, The Livery, and The Rose Garden Shops. Tickets are $5, with 100% of the proceeds going directly to the charity from which you purchase your ticket including the San Ramon Valley Education Foundation, Veterans Memorial Building of San Ramon, Blue Star Moms, Role Players Ensemble, Hospice of the East Bay or Danville Alamo Garden Club. Exchange your ticket for a wristband the night of the event, and you’ll be pampered with holiday discounts and goodies throughout Danville.

Obviously we encourage shopping locally and supporting small business owners whenever you can, especially if you enjoy the different and personal aspects they bring to your community ... but this event especially, is a great time to shop for the holidays while supporting those businesses that help to shape your community! 

Make sure to stop by Olive this Thursday night for a very special store-wide holiday promotion!

Love in Green, 

the ecofashionista

Sleepy Head

(Sorry, this ones a long one, I tried to condense as much as possible. Save it for one of those night you can't sleep, it should help ... or maybe not! )

I have felt strongly about organic mattresses for a long time, do I own one? No, I'm working on it because the more I think and read about them the more their importance seems major. Like people who hate their job or their best friend, it's odd how much time we spend doing certain things and are never aware how much of our lives they encapsulate. The average American will sleep 1/3 of their life ... let that sink in. It might not feel like it now. A bun in the oven can compromise most mamas sleep patterns, making it more difficult to, stay asleep especially as you are up and down many times, to fall back asleep when woken up (obviously happening a lot because of the former) and with dreams becoming very intense, often vivid and emotional, it may not seem as rejuvenating as before the bun. (Interesting info on preggo zzz's However, in the end, that mattress of yours is getting more horizontal time then any college dorm room. My point being, shouldn't that be a mattress made of the most healthy, quality materials?! Weirdly, most are not.

Most conventional, large-scale mattress manufacturers use synthetic fabrics and foams in their products. Many add a number of other highly toxic chemicals, like; Polyurethane, Methylene, Chloride and Benzene (carcinogens like the ones in cigarettes), and fire retardants. 

Yes, crib mattresses are unfortunately, made out of many of the same materials and chemicals. Sad face. With growing consumer awareness of what makes up the the bed they put their buns to sleep on ... healthier options are becoming easier to find, which is great, but it is definitely leading to more questions, options and controversies; Organic Cotton, Eco Foams, Eco Wools, Natural Laytex, Government Mandated Fire Retardants and on and on. The more you read, the more you find and the more questions pop up.

Are they necessary? You will probably find people as mixed as they are in reference to their own mattresses (and agreeing that a healthier mattress is important doesn't necessarily mean it's doable currently, but maybe something you can reach for). A natural crib mattress, while more expensive then it's controversial competitor, is not nearly the kind of investment that a full size will be. And I guess you could look at it as a priceless investment if you go that way.

Like many products it's easy to read words like "Green", "Natural", "Ecofoam" and be sold. But it's really important that you read what the mattress is made up of. It's easy to add a layer of organic cotton and then cover a mattress in vinyl containing chemicals and call it "Organic". Do your research and read all you can about all of your options. This may also include a serious effort to be sure of ingredients, many mainstream companies have to be contacted for this information and don't provide it freely (red flag if you ask me!). There is a ton of frigging information, it can seem overwhelming, but it can be boiled down to a few important areas;
  • Chemicals to avoid:
    1. Polyurethane foam ("Memory Foam"," Soy Foam")
    2. BPA (Bisphenol A, Phthalates - the same chemical you probably avoid in plastic water bottles),
    3. VOC's
    4. Formaldehyde
    5. PBDEs (Polybrominated diphenyl ether - used as fire retardants).
  • Crib Mattress Structure:
    1. The Core - Could contain Laytex, Foams, VOC's
    2. Padding - Watch out for BPA's, Formaldehyde
    3. Flame retardant material and chemicals, - watch out for PBDE
    4. Cover or "ticking, - Watch out for Toxic Plastics and Vinyls
  • Regulations: Government regulations require mattresses to be constructed with flame retardants, unfortunately many of these are nasty chemicals. Try to find the least toxic ways of accomplishing this!
A company that continues to come up as exceeding expectations in the production of natural and safe alternatives to many large named companies is; Naturepedic (nope they aren't sponsoring this site so you can rest assured I'm unbiased)

Staying rational - We've all be sleeping on our beds for years, decades in some cases. And the majority of us were raised on futons and in hand me down cribs painted with led based paints ... we're okay. The buns ahead of us will be okay, but that doesn't mean it's smart to take the first option to pop out of the Babies R' Us isle ... take some time and think about it, do a little research and if it lights a fire to do something different, do that.

Love in Green 
the ecofashionista

Nov 13, 2011

Ger Your Rub On

Whether you're the kind of girl who doesn't close your eyes at night without washing your face and applying serums or you're more of a risk taker, seeing how long that club makeup will last at work Monday morning, this is one skin care tip, while you are home to that bun, that you need to add to your routine (or lack there of). Now, I am definitely one of the former, I could probably operate a small country with the amount of money I have spent on skin care products and because I wasn't blessed with the "I don't really wash my face" type of skin, I have zero problem squeezing another step into my routine. If you don't have a routine ... this should be your new one... Belly Cream!!! 

Say it with me ... BELLY CREAM ... BELLY CREAM ... BELLY CREAM. Say it because no one wants to say (or for that matter see)... STRETCH MARKS ... see it just doesn't look good in all caps or on your pretty skin!! 

Many people are under the assumption that stretch marks are unavoidable... you're getting them or you're not. You either have the type of skin that can't stretch or you don't. This is a tiny bit, sort of true. Stretch marks are the result of your skin being stretched farther and faster than it can keep up with (actually it's severe pulling force on skin that overcomes the dermis' elasticity.) Hence, you see it on people who gain weight very quickly or body builders who kicked it with Barry Bonds for a hot minute and now their biceps are bigger than their ever shrinking heads. Hormonal changes and genetic make-up can determine how much stretch your skin can accommodate and how the marks will look. And yes it's true some skin colors and tones will show stretch marks more, darker, lighter or thicker than others. Chances are if you are growing a lot in a short amount of time you will have stretch marks, but you can help! And I can help you. Help me help you Jerry.

Continued softening of the skin is going to help the skin stretch farther. True story and I don't need a degree from Harvard Medical School to say that. It's true. It will not take away the possibility of stretch marks but it can greatly aide your skin. 

This is the trust are most likely going to gain weight in your breasts, your hips and thighs too, it's cool, everyone's doing it, but it means don't limit it to your tummy! It's not a bad thing it's exciting. Make it your time ... whenever that is, just out of the shower, at night before you sleep, at lunch in the office (maybe try the bathroom). Add it into the same time every day like brushing your teeth, this way you feel guilty if you miss it. But really, who will want to when it's your time each day to relax. Five minutes to reflect on the day, think about baby names or how to talk your family into more than one day a week of babysitting, whatever. All while you are what I like to call "lubing up"! (If you can lube up more than once a day - you get extra credit!)

Now for the lube. As usual there are a ton of options. Because of the nature of this website and my personal preference, I will stick to eco choices... well because they are best! So let's look for colorant, paraben, petroleum and sodium laureth sulfate free! (FYI many awesome mamas make their own - Awesomely eco website btw!) And some of the best ingredients are going to be; cocoa butter, vitamin E, Almond Oil and Sesame Seed Oil. Some of the best out there based on reviews seem to be:
  1. Weleda Stretch Mark Oil
  2. Erbavivia Belly Butter
It doesn't matter if you are 9 weeks preggo or 30 weeks, get to it. It's not going to hurt to start early and it's better to start late than never at all. So, go ahead and get your rub on!

Love in Green 
the ecofashionista

Triclosan .... The Jury is out!

The dangers of Triclosan have been brought to light quite a bit over the last couple of years. The antibacterial agent found in many skin care products is also found in some toothpastes and household products and is proving to wreak havoc on our water systems, sea life and making it’s way into our drinking water. However, as humans do, we so often forget about what happens to things long after we wash them off our bodies down the drain, out of sigh out of mind.

All of that ickyness aside, it’s the affect on humans that is the focus here. Triclosan is not currently known to be hazardous to humans, as says the FDA’s last review (the same federal department that gave its stamp of approval to Johnson and Johnson’s Baby Shampoo just yanked off shelves for reformulation). However, there has been so much information contradicting what they initially reported that they have engaged in a whole new set of studies, and will be announcing the results in 2012. What has caught their attention is the change in hormones that Triclosan causes in animals. Now it’s true that what happens in animals doesn’t always occur in humans but the concern is that the half life (fancy word for what happens after we think it’s gone, washed off our body, dishes or clothes, and can no longer be seen) of Triclosan is much longer than initially thought, and that human fat cells seem to be a place where they flourish in this state. The FDA is also looking into it’s aide in developing anti-biotic resistant germs and it’s affect on the human immune system.

A chemical like Triclosan can disrupt hormone regulation causing  thyroid and estrogen-related health effects and may affect fetal growth. Because of its link to fatty tissues, there are many people who believe it can be an issue in breast feeding.

Now every single time something comes up about a product in use today, should it require an all hand on board flip out? No. And to that extent the FDA does seem to do the best it can with the resources available, but being preggo means paying a little more attention to those things you might not have before.

What is really important in this information is that at the bottom of everything, Triclosan – whose recent use has been antibacterial soaps, gels and face washes, is actually shown to remove no more germs or bacteria than soap and water. We shouldn’t be afraid to do simpler, easier things because we are bombarded with products that they say do something better. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about chemicals you don’t know about and to learn exactly what you are putting on your body, because that ends up in your body. 

The jury on Triclosan is out but it might benefit you and your buns to take an inventory of the products you currently use with Triclosan in the ingredient list, if it's something you can live with out or replace with a non Triclosan containing product ....give it a try. This is a good website for a basic list of products known to contain Triclosan;

Love in Green 
the ecofashionista

Nov 12, 2011


As the first couple of blogs in this section begin, let me be the first to say; I am not a scientist, a hippie, a mother, or a judger (usually). I am a fairly rational (don't tell my boyfriend) down to earth girl who just wants us to all be as healthy as we can while we make choices, yes some hard ones, every day to take care of our planet. If everyone has all the information in the world and decides to do things differently than I would… cheers, that’s what makes the world go round (well unless you are choosing to not take care of this planet I share with you). There is an abundance of information that most people don’t have or have time to have. There are so many choices and options that are easier to make than people have been mislead to think, that I can’t help but put the tiny bit in my head out there, so the 6 people reading this have more information. It just feels good to have more information, doesn't it?!  

I will try to highlight things and information that make sense, some of the products might be expensive, some of the information might seem unnecessary, but my only attempt is to open a door and get the hamster wheel turning. Information is only what you make of it. Again, I say, I am not a mother and am a fair baby sitter at best, although I sense my skills will be put to the test in the coming year. However, I do know that nothing is as easy as it looks from the outside, so I promise to try to keep that in mind when writing.

As well, I am a rational individual, who enjoys bud lights and Philly cheese steaks more than your average frat guy. And $600 shoes look pretty to me for me no reason and make me feel like Victoria Beckham until I take one upright step or think about who made them and where. I make mistakes every day that affect myself and the environment negatively, and I don’t ever expect to get to a point where I don’t. But what I do try hard to maintain is balance; a balance of information and trends, a balance of the most important things I can do and what is out of the question, a balance in what I can expect from others and what I don’t know about those outside my world. I am just fumbling along like everyone else, but I really believe that we can all fumble our way through this together, taking responsibilities when appropriate and allowing ourselves to change what seems like irreplaceable routines at first … becoming more aware of ourselves, our environment and our affects on both. 

Like so many other areas of life, the more you know, the better your children will be taken care of and the more every child around you will know.

So, here goes ... I will try not to bore you, but if it happens, just click on over to the next entry because more than likely I bored myself right out of the chair and found something more exciting to write about. All the topics won't be yawn worthy or scary, there will be many funny, inappropriate, shopping inspiring write-a-thons too!

Love in Green,  
the ecofashionista

Green Buns in the Oven

With the super exciting news that Olive will be an Auntie to a handful of its closest customers and friends in the next year, I have found my self side tracked with many thoughts; worries and anxieties about keeping the ovens and buns that mean so much to me as healthy as possible. It’s actually been a bit overwhelming. Probably just as overwhelming as the e-mails, texts, phone calls and non stop question asking has been for my bun baking homies, who have anxieties a' plenty of their own. I find myself thinking about in the shower, in the car, while I should be sleeping, doing laundry and blogging about Olive!  So, I have put a lot of thought into how I can mold this energy into something productive and a little easier to handle for those who have helped create this new interest. Now, they can access information I think might be important and interesting when and if they choose, which I feel is a better plan. This, instead of the unsolicited berate of worrisome communication that probably frightens them from ever leaving me alone with their children in the future, for fear I will lock them inside some sort of Polyethylene terephthalate ethylene and PVC free bubble. 

The way I feel about clothing and our every day routines is being transposed into a new area for me as some of my friends embark on their new journeys and its super exciting. This is a great time to expand my interests with the same basic ideas that created Olive; If what we put on and in our bodies can be better it can and should be better for our children. If the choices we make all day can be better for the amazing planet we share, then we should make better ones as soon as we can, for our children and our futures. Our children will learn from us and hopefully do even better, so they should have the best start they can. 

So whether you're an oven with a bun or without, in search of eco information for yourself, or to pass along, you can find new posts in the Green Bun Category or follow the blog to get updated on new posts! 

Love in Green 
the ecofashionista