Nov 13, 2011

Ger Your Rub On

Whether you're the kind of girl who doesn't close your eyes at night without washing your face and applying serums or you're more of a risk taker, seeing how long that club makeup will last at work Monday morning, this is one skin care tip, while you are home to that bun, that you need to add to your routine (or lack there of). Now, I am definitely one of the former, I could probably operate a small country with the amount of money I have spent on skin care products and because I wasn't blessed with the "I don't really wash my face" type of skin, I have zero problem squeezing another step into my routine. If you don't have a routine ... this should be your new one... Belly Cream!!! 

Say it with me ... BELLY CREAM ... BELLY CREAM ... BELLY CREAM. Say it because no one wants to say (or for that matter see)... STRETCH MARKS ... see it just doesn't look good in all caps or on your pretty skin!! 

Many people are under the assumption that stretch marks are unavoidable... you're getting them or you're not. You either have the type of skin that can't stretch or you don't. This is a tiny bit, sort of true. Stretch marks are the result of your skin being stretched farther and faster than it can keep up with (actually it's severe pulling force on skin that overcomes the dermis' elasticity.) Hence, you see it on people who gain weight very quickly or body builders who kicked it with Barry Bonds for a hot minute and now their biceps are bigger than their ever shrinking heads. Hormonal changes and genetic make-up can determine how much stretch your skin can accommodate and how the marks will look. And yes it's true some skin colors and tones will show stretch marks more, darker, lighter or thicker than others. Chances are if you are growing a lot in a short amount of time you will have stretch marks, but you can help! And I can help you. Help me help you Jerry.

Continued softening of the skin is going to help the skin stretch farther. True story and I don't need a degree from Harvard Medical School to say that. It's true. It will not take away the possibility of stretch marks but it can greatly aide your skin. 

This is the trust are most likely going to gain weight in your breasts, your hips and thighs too, it's cool, everyone's doing it, but it means don't limit it to your tummy! It's not a bad thing it's exciting. Make it your time ... whenever that is, just out of the shower, at night before you sleep, at lunch in the office (maybe try the bathroom). Add it into the same time every day like brushing your teeth, this way you feel guilty if you miss it. But really, who will want to when it's your time each day to relax. Five minutes to reflect on the day, think about baby names or how to talk your family into more than one day a week of babysitting, whatever. All while you are what I like to call "lubing up"! (If you can lube up more than once a day - you get extra credit!)

Now for the lube. As usual there are a ton of options. Because of the nature of this website and my personal preference, I will stick to eco choices... well because they are best! So let's look for colorant, paraben, petroleum and sodium laureth sulfate free! (FYI many awesome mamas make their own - Awesomely eco website btw!) And some of the best ingredients are going to be; cocoa butter, vitamin E, Almond Oil and Sesame Seed Oil. Some of the best out there based on reviews seem to be:
  1. Weleda Stretch Mark Oil
  2. Erbavivia Belly Butter
It doesn't matter if you are 9 weeks preggo or 30 weeks, get to it. It's not going to hurt to start early and it's better to start late than never at all. So, go ahead and get your rub on!

Love in Green 
the ecofashionista

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